The workings of the world have reached a point where they are inherently designed to omit carbon with every process. Whether its fossil fuel extraction, car manufacturing, or even something as small as garment tailoring, we produce carbon in tonnes. This needs to be controlled now more than ever, with a total global emission rate of 33.1 billion metric tonnes. With an encyclopedia of information available on the internet, educating oneself about the effects of carbon emissions is the first step to knowing the problem.With a higher density of carbon in the atmosphere, heat from the sun is retained onto Earth in the form of solar energy, contributing to a global rise in temperatures. This primarily affects our farmers, who now have to face erratic and unpredictable weather. With a decline in the number of successful crops being harvested, the threat spreads to local communities, wildlife and eventually takes over the planet as a whole. With a rise in temperature, some parts of the world, like Southern America, face terrible droughts. This destroys their lands and farms - a means of living they solely rely on. As droughts worsen, the demand for water aggregates and presses on the continual issue surrounding water shortages. The farms that produce crops used in daily cooking have faced the immediate consequences of the change in weather, with a scarcity of particular crops. However, humans aren’t the only ones affected by our own actions. Animals that live in the wild are forced to migrate to cooler regions, in search of better shelter as well as better forage. Marine animals have struggled to thrive underwater with an increase in ocean acidity. 

These reasons should be enough to encourage a stimulating and powerful change in the way the world operates. While some processes that significantly contribute to carbon emissions, like pharmaceutical manufacturing, cannot be stopped altogether, the level of carbon in the atmosphere can be countered with a Carbon Offset. Broadly, a carbon offset refers to a reduction in carbon or an increase in how we store carbon. In simple terms, this would imply planting trees as compensation for a carbon emission elsewhere. Over the years, there’s been a rise in carbon offset projects that aim to tackle the effects of climate change by specifically targeting carbon. This includes using renewable energy like solar and wind, reforesting a land that has succumbed to the brutality of climate change, or even small-scale schemes of voluntary carbon purchases to fund projects that aim to challenge the side effects of carbon emissions. 

At Crow, although we understand that we cannot change some processes in our production to entirely omit carbon emissions, we do actively try our best at carbon offset projects. Recently, we’ve partnered with Ecologi to plant a tree with every purchase, offsetting the carbon we emit with that particular purchase. We understand that the goal to entirely eradicate climate change is an intimidating one, but we take pride in trying our hardest with total sincerity. Our love for the environment never falls short - our practises in sustainable farming, dyeing, and production have improved over 10 years to truly achieve a slow-fashion lifestyle within Crow.

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