Why Organic Cotton Makes More Sense for the Planet and People

We all know the benefits of organic cotton, but do we understand why? Organic cotton is better for the planet and people because it doesn't use harmful chemicals to grow. Organic cotton uses less water because, unlike conventional cotton, it doesn't need irrigation. Organic cotton has a lower carbon footprint because no pesticides are needed and less transportation is required to get your clothing from field to factory. And organic cotton does wonders for soil health: farmers report that their soil has more microbial life without the use of fertilizer

Organic cotton garments are more eco-friendly

Organic cotton production is better for the environment and helps keep people safe. The use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers is avoided, helping to reduce the amount of toxins in water supplies. Organic cotton garments can be up to twenty times cleaner than their conventional counterparts. They also absorb up to 30% more moisture than conventional cotton, which makes them ideal for hot climates like India and Bangladesh.

Organic vs conventional cotton

Conventional cotton production is one of the most chemically-intensive crops in the world. It has a significant impact on local communities, biodiversity and water quality. Conventional cotton also uses more than 20% of all agricultural chemicals, including fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides. Organic cotton farming is less harmful to the environment because it doesn't need those chemicals.

Sustainability and new technology

The problem with fiber cotton production is that the high concentration of pesticides and chemicals used in growing cotton has an adverse effect on the environment and human health. The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has found traces of pesticides in 96% of all Americans, but organic cotton fields can be grown without using these chemicals which brings a safer product to consumers. Organic cotton farming also produces higher quality fibers, so this type of sustainable production will continue to grow in popularity.

Benefits of organic cotton

One of the benefits of organic cotton is that it has less impact on the environment than conventional cotton. This is because it’s grown without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. What’s more, unlike conventional cotton, it's not most often bleached with hazardous chemicals such as chlorine. Organic is also more "scrubbable" than other fabrics and easier to care for in general.


Organic cotton is the safest and healthiest choice for people and the environment. Organic cotton farming is more sustainable and environmentally-friendly than conventional cotton farming, because it eliminates toxic chemicals and hazardous pesticides. It also has a lower carbon footprint, which means a smaller environmental impact.
